Monday, January 25, 2010

One Million Pillowcase Challenge – Saturday, January 23rd, 2010


Okay, this past five days we have been in the midst of our fourth birthday celebration and we decided that the happiest things to do is to help others, so we set up our first sewing day for the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge for Saturday, January 23rd at 11 am to 4 pm.  We thought it would be great if we completed 100 pillowcases but the volunteers were sewing wizards and completed 245.  Here are some shots of all the activities. 


Here is the store at the beginning of the day with a few pillowcases out for display.


The Classroom Annex was full with sewers and pillow cases were flying. 



There were pressers.




There were cutters and runners, oh my!



Here is the formal shot of most of the workers…what a great group.   We are so lucky to call them customers!


The shop really looked quite festive with all the pillow cases flapping in the breeze.  DSCN1622 

There were other activities here at the shop for our Birthday.  A few shared projects they had done here at the store during the year.  Here are some to share. We hope you enjoy them.

DSCN1586 DSCN1612





And they came in many ways to the Birthday celebration.  Wheelchair and crutches didn’t stop her.  DSCN1598

But could we have had a birthday party without…….

DSCN1614Thank you for reading.  We are now beginning our fabulous FIVE!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our website is UP or LIVE as they say

Well, it took awhile….but we have a new, fresh and alive website.  We are so excited to be able to list our schedule and show you pictures of the various classes we offer.  This is the address  Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think.  I know each and every blog needs pictures and so here are some of the samples we are taking to the Crazy Quilt Show in Port Saint Lucie on February 5th and 6th.  There are purses,  panels and kits, oh my!!!!DSCN1572 Oops it is missing it’s button but you get the jest…it is a Newport bag using Mary Englbreit fabric. 

 DSCN0190 This quilt makes us happy so we have it by the register.  It is a Buggy Barn pattern but done in bright Florida water colors.  Oh we wish we were sailing today.  It is glorious!!!!!

DSCN0764 One of our favorite classes from 2009 is “Bling” and here is one on the wall before it was sewed together.  Well, bye for now. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What’s New at the Patch

Happy New Year!  Can you believe it is already 2010.  What a cold wave we are undergoing and it feels wonderful.  We are trying something new….we are putting our class schedule here.  We hope this will be convenient for you.  We will soon be making an important announcement.

Schedule of classes and events:


1 & 2 Closed for the New Year                                  4 Mon 9 – 12 Civil War Tribute BOM (1 of 12)           5 Tues 10 – 3 Open Sewing                                       6 Wed  10 – 3 Open Sewing                                      7 Thur 10 – 3 Beginner Machine  Quilting with Kathy  $40                                              8 Fri 10 – 3 Beginner Free Motion Quilting with Kathy $40                                                                         9 Sat 9:30 Patches Monthly Sampler                        9 11 – 4 Northern Lights Bargello with Nancy Smith VISITING TEACHER $75 (1 of 2)                         11 Mon 10 – 3 Machine Quilting Background Fillers with Kathy $40                                                        12 Tues 9 – 3 One Block Wonder with Margy $45 (1 of 2)                                                                       4 – 7 Minnesota Road Show Open House - free                                                                           13 Wed 9 – 12 Patches Monthly Sampler            

1 – 5 Minnesota Road Show Open House -free

5:30 – 8pm Beginning Piecing with Jackie (1 of 3) $50                                                                           14 Thur 9:30 – 12 Beginning Piecing with Jackie (1 of 3)   $50                                                                     15 Fri 10 – 2 Thimbleberries Club                           16 Sat 10 – 2 Thimbleberries Club                          18 Mon 10 – 3 Machine Quilting FEATHERS with Kathy  $40                                                             19 Tues 1 – 4 Americana Modern (1 of 8)                20 Wed 5:30 – 8 Beginning Piecing with Jackie (2 of 3)

21, 22 and 23 Celebrate the JAM PATCH BIRTHDAY

21 Thur 9:30 – 12 Beginning Piecing with Jackie (2 of 3)                                                                          22 Fri 9 – 3 Study the Masters with Michele CEZANNE $30 plus $5

23 Sat 9:30 Saturday Sampler

11 – 4 Join our Pajama Party “Pillow Case Challenge

25 Mon 1pm Saturday Sampler 2010 repeated 

27 Wed 9 – 3 Memory Quilts with Michele (1 of 3) $120

5:30 – 8pm Beginning Piecing with Jackie (3 of 3)

28 Thur 9:30 – 12 Beginning Piecing with Jackie (3 of 3)

29 Fri 9 – 3 Flower in Vase with Michele $30

30 Sat Green Bag Day