Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year

Can you believe it is almost 2010!!!!  We here at the Patch have been quite busy getting things ready for the new year.  We all seem to have had a wonderful holiday and valued our time with family and friends.  It is something I noted during the holidays that overall everyone was kinder and more helpful than I remember pass holidays.  I saw loads of random acts of kindness and generally a feeling we are in this together so let’s make the best of it.  We hope your holidays were special as well.  We have an exciting new class for January.  Nancy Smith who has a beautiful new Bargello pattern is coming to the store, or rather I should say our Classroom Annex.


Just as an aside, if you haven’t noticed.  We have rented the store next door as our classroom annex.  It is spacious and roomy for classes and so far it is a thumbs up from our students.  We are having her here on Saturday, January 9th from 11am to 4 pm and again on Saturday, February 13th from 11am to 4pm to finish the class.  They are “WOW” quilts.  Here are some pictures.100_4831-1

This one is called “Northern Lights” and requires 17 fabrics.  We are getting quite good at picking fabrics for this one.  You can chose to do this one or you can do this next beauty in your class.



This one is called “Diamond Jubilee” and needs 11 fabrics.  This is not a beginner quilt.  But, boy when you are done…..look at what you have.  Here are a few more pictures, we thought you might enjoy.  100_5399


Okay, now don’t delay.  There are just a few spaces available. 

Monday, November 23, 2009

Weekly Newsletter


Before we all get too involved in our holiday plans, we here at The JaM Patch, would like to extend our warmest holiday wishes for a Happy and Joyful Thanksgiving.  We are so thankful for all of you and thank you for your support and business.  In these trying economic times, it is wonderful to have all of you to support us and to help us stay here.  We are so excited to have a larger classroom for you to enjoy. We hope you are as excited and tell us by taking classes or participating in our various activities.  If you haven't seen it yet, wait.....you will be excited, too.   

Because we know we are all too busy we thought we would send this out early this week so you can sit and enjoy our newsletter before the holidays.  We have some wonderful gift ideas.  There is the fabulous new cutting system called Accu-Go.  This will make your cutting easier and more accurate. Our demo system is in our old classroom for you to take a look at, even take a turn or two to try out the cutting.  It is not inexpensive but it is worth the money.  And if you get a system, there are easy gifts for the rest of the family to buy-----more dies.  We will be happy to assist you in selecting gifts for Guild exchanges, we have some great ones from $10.00 to $15.00.  We also have lots of little "stocking stuffers" for those sewing friends and family.  We also have any denomination gift certificates, what better gift to give or receive.     

Just wanted to let you know we will be open our normal hours during the Thanksgiving Weekend.  We will be closed Thanksgiving Day.  We will be open on Friday, November 27th from 10 to 4 and Saturday, November 28th from 9:30 to 4.  Remember Saturday, is Saturday Sampler day to flash your completed block.  We are holding the presentation at 10 AM in the Classroom Annex.  There will be no noon (12 o'clock) presentation.  There is plenty of room for the entire group to meet.   

If you have a little time to spare before the end of the year we do have several classes offered by our great teaching staff.  We have a few that you and friends can spend the day sewing, giggling and actually getting a project done.  "A girls day out!!"  We have included the November and December calendar in this email.  The 2010 offerings will be sent in the next email.   DSCN0788

This is a picture of “Strip Tubing” that is  available December 7th and is taught by Jeri Ferguson.  It is all day and costs $35.00.  

If an article of clothing is what you want than Susan Shaffer has the class for you “Noelle Jacket”.  It begins on December 1st and runs for 3 Tuesdays and you will have a wonderful jacket.  Susan has worn hers all over the world.  Here is a picture from the pattern designer.  noelle

Kathy is doing a class on Kaleidoscopes and how to use the computer program.  The sample is a wonderful table runner done with botanical pictures.


What a fun day to learn this!!!!!  The program is $39.95 and the class costs $40.00. 

Kathy will also be offering “Banana Leaf”, her original pattern.  The class includes the pattern and is $30.00.

I will add so more as soon as I take the pictures. 

Again, Thank you to each and every one of you, our wonderful customers!!  Joey and Margy

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Back from Market

It is always so great to go to market.  We come back so enthused but tired.  We left on Thursday, October 8th, and rented a car to do a tour of the Quilt Shops in Houston.  We had a lovely time and we enjoyed each and every shop.  But then it was time to get to our hotel and start our work.  We arrived without too much trouble (thank goodness for the GPS), checked in and found out we didn’t have to return the car to the Hyatt, National and Enterprise would work it out between them.  That is something good to know.  It was a beautiful day, so we headed off to the George R. Brown Convention Center.  It was a brisk walk of 8/10 of a mile but there were loads of things to look at.  Houston has undergone quite a building boom and loads of new buildings and shops.  We arrived and registration was a breeze.  The workers on the floor below us were setting up their booths.  We stood and watched them through these gigantic port holes.  We watched Brian and Frank Cox who rep for Hoffman do their work which was great fun.  We returned to the hotel and attended a fun evening with FabShop Network.  Margy and I were quite lucky and we won some wonderful gifts which we will pass on.  The evening was great sharing ideas time and our table mates from New Zealand were a hoot.  Oh, did I mention hoot is something you will be hearing and seeing a lot of….there is something about OWLS.   They were everywhere!!!!!DSCN1123

Sandy Gervais’ new pattern cards in her NEW line.


DSCN1107  A cutie at the Alexander Henry Booth with spooky stuff!!!





One of our favorites at the IQA Quilt Show.  The detailing was magnificent.



The next morning we were up bright and early with breakfast in our hotel and a bus trip to the Convention Center to pick up our schedule book for Schoolhouse and off to Starbucks for our annual cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte.  We settled on our schedule and began sharply at 10 AM.  For those of you who don’t know about schoolhouse, it is a wonderful day of 15 classes, where you have 10 to 12 choices per time slot, being run simultaneously introducing new products, methods, etc., etc.  Margy and I only attend the same ones if we are already committed to it for the Patch and so we participate in probably 25 different sessions.  They are terrific and we are so excited with what we learned about.  You will be hearing loads about it as the time goes along. Here are the some pictures to share.DSC01235 

The designers from Possibilities.



DSC01240  The Snack Attack Quilt and guess what there are candy corns on it!!!!!  Hurrah!!!!!



Can you think of anything cuter than a snowman quilt done in batiks.  Okay, this might make us think thatDSC01246 

it is cooler here in Florida!!!This quilt definitely makes you smile!






This made quite an impression on us.  The pattern is due in and we already have the fabric.  Could a quilt be too far behind.


Amy Butler was there and she shared her new line “LOVE” from Westminster.    It is fantastic.  We were so impressed with the vinyl's, wait till you see and feel them.




Okay, do you want us to call you when it arrives?




We were excited to see and hear what Heather Bailey had to say.  She is so very creative and her fabric line is a winner.  Here are a few shots from her presentation.  Sorry I didn’t get any of her MIL in picture, Eleanor Peace Bailey?  What do you all think?DSC01289



Our personal favorite was Henrietta the turtle, pin cushion.  She made everyone smile.  Did I tell you the other trend we saw were pin cushions and more pin cushions.  I think we might be collecting them.

Random shots for your enjoyment:DSC01314

Appliqué work done the Piece o’Cake way.





These pictures are from the “Skinny Table runners II”DSC01264


DSC01343 Remember this picture…you will be hearing a lot about.  This was our last class and they had cookies….boy, were we happy. 

Dinner was at the Hilton as we finished at 6 PM and have to be back for Sample Spree at 8 PM.  We met a new quilt shop owner and her long arm friend who were from Oklahoma.  We had a nice time. 

Now, how do you describe Sample Spree.  I guess it would be the Filene’s annual basement sale; David’s bridals $99.00 dress day and any other free for all that you can think of.  The doors open and everyone runs to the Moda booth.  We do not, we head to the other end and try to maintain some air of decor.  It is a place where we can get patterns with samples pre-done, early releases so we can do samples.  No pictures are allowed.  So sorry!!!!!! 

That was the end of day one!!!!  More to come!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Updates from the Patch

Well, Fall is here and we are so excited to soon be seeing our Winter Visitors.  We call them Snowbirds.  They leave their homes up north and spend the winter with us just like our feathery friends.  We love to see them again and to see all the things they have done over the summer.  This is our first official WELCOME!!!

The Patch currently smells a little like a candy corn factory and I won’t tell you how many bags we have already consummed here.  I think there are secretly more candy corn lovers out there than are willing to admit to it.  I have not sworn them off for the season yet because I am pacing myself.  Hurrah!!! for candy corns and mellow pumpkins.

The excitement here is what our teachers are presenting for various classes this fall.    We have dedicated the month of October to Quilting and we are offering quite a few classes on the technique of quilting.  We decided that while the quilting world is in Houston, our little corner of it will be at the Patch learning about quilting as a beginner and then expanding your knowledge as you get more antsy to improve your skill.  Okay, now many of you might be thinking “Oh, I just give them to my Long Arm Quilter.”  But there is always that special one that you want to do yourself.  Well, this is the week to come to the patch…..October 12th – 15th.  Here is the schedule:

October 12 – 15 QUILT EDUCATION WEEK   at The JaM Patch

Oct 12- 10 – 3 Free Motion Fillers with Kathy Rentz $35 NOT A BEGINNER class

Oct 13- 9 – 3 Beginner Machine Quilting with Kathy; thread, needle, batting and straight line quilting  $35.00

Oct 14- 10 – 3 Basic Free Motion Quilting with Kathy $35

Oct 15- 10 – 3 Feathers & Fillers with Kathy $35

DSCN0775Here are some samples for you to see the various styles.DSCN0771DSCN0773  

Do stop by and see them.



Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday Sampler Blocks

Okay, We have been remiss and not been on the blog.  I don’t know where all the times goes but here it is almost the end of September.  My favorite season is upon us and I am too busy to enjoy it.   We didn’t want to go another month without putting pictures on the blog of the Saturday Sampler blocks.  So here they are.  We hope this will help you with fabric placement. 


This is the Black and White.  Margy has already completed all the blocks and has done a really neat quilt top with just the twelve blocks.  You have to come to the store to see it. 


DSCN0755 Earth is certainly a color way for this season – Autumn.  Wait till you see the border and all.





Ocean is quite the beauty.  Everyone asks about this beautiful batik blocks. 

Friday, August 21, 2009

It’s warm here in Florida

So how are things going with all of you.  We are “HOT” here in Florida but it looks like it is hot in a few places.  Sorry we haven’t been in touch but Joey was gone on a quick little vacation and Margy is being the MOG (mother of the groom) to her eldest son and the wedding is tomorrow.  It will be at a beautiful outside setting so pray for NO rain and a little bit cooler.  We are busy with preparations for the Fall and the holidays.  Can candy corns be too far behind!!!!!!  Lots has been going on in the shop and we are really happy our air conditioning works so well.  Blooming_Horrors

This will be our class with Tonya R. on Tuesday, August 25th.  It is part of our Summer School Series.  It will be all day from 9 to 3.  We are looking forward to the class.


The new fabrics are starting to arrive.  We received over 25 bolts of new batiks that they are marking in.  We also received a lot of pre-cuts from Moda.  One of them was from the new line called “Authentic”.  Here is a sampling of one of the quilts done with the fabrics.  The bolts will follow in about one month.  We bought the whole line.  Authtentic The fabric with the words all over it is so neat.  Oh, I can’t believe I said that “neat”.  I guess the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock is bringing out the old slang.  We were taken with this line.

  Gobble Gobble Margy before she left for the wedding celebration did the cutest quilt using this panel from Sandy Gervais called “Gobble, Gobble”.  It will be the project for the September Holiday Club on Friday, September 5th.

But I am most excited about the arrival of “Lantern Bloom” from Michael Miller Fabrics.  It is terrific.  Here are a few pictures to show you.

mmbanner This is the free pattern that is available on their website.  The colors are great.ClimbingLanters_Popup



The Chinese Lanterns are three-dimensional and the quilts just makes you stop and gaze.  It was entrance to their booth in Pittsburgh at Spring Market. 

Well bye for now.  I promise next week to be better. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What we have to offer

Sometimes you sit and think everyone knows everything about what you love, well after a few questions we have had from customers, I guess everyone doesn’t.  So I think we will take the time to share with you some of the happenings at the JaM Patch.  We are always working on new stuff and we do forget that perhaps you haven’t seen it all.  Did you know that we have a group that is working on “The Queen and her Court” quilt?  It is stunning and here is what it will look like when everyone gets done.BOM-quilt

It is hard to describe the colors but I will try.  The background in the floral print is brown with mauve, mossy green and cream.  It is done with piecing and appliqué.  Margy has fused our store sample and is in the process of stitching all the appliqués down.  We still have kits available and the fabric is now on the floor for purchase.  Stop by and see it. 

We have been doing a new program this year called Summer School.  It is to encourage participation in classes and for you to get to know our teachers.  The classes are all day and cost $20.00.  When you have completed your class you are awarded a $10.00 gift certificate for fabric valid the day after your class.  A pretty good deal!!!  Here are some of the samples that are of classes yet to come.  Maybe you want to think of joining one.


This is “Halloween Booquet” by Tonya R. and it is slated for August 25th from 9 to 3 and is part of our Summer School so the class is $20.00.


Margy is doing this class for the Rug on August 12th and could the bean bag be very far behind……….photo-23

We borrowed this picture from the Lizzie B blog.  This is the cutest “new” idea we saw at market.  What do you think?  The class does required the purchase of “Whimsyland.”  You will be thrilled to own this book as it is great.  It is fun reading and the chocolate

cookie recipe is fabulous.whimsy_cover  The quilts are cute and different.  There are a lot of great ideas for that college freshman heading to their first dorm room for an easy Duvet Cover.  Anyone can sew this one!  I love all the words they use on quilts and wall hangings.  This is a keeper book. 


Michele S. is having sessions on Mondays during Summer School that are called “Studying with the Master.” She is using famous paintings as inspiration and duplicated with thread play, embellishing and piecing to complete some rather unique pieces. Stop by and see them.  She does discuss a lot about color and value.  It is quite a learning experience. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Patch’s Monthly Sampler Announced

Yes, on Monday, July 27th, we announced the Patch’s Monthly Sampler to our customers and now to you.  We refer to this program as PMS and any chocolate or candy eaten that day does not “count.”  It began three years ago as a historical perspective of Quilt Blocks.  We discussed where they came from and how long there was a record of the varying blocks.  We learned that the Log Cabin had been around a lot longer than the pioneers.  And we even watched Margy’s family’s farm video for “Corn and Beans.”  Each month on the second Saturday, the group would receive a block pattern for FREE and they would use their stash to complete a quilt.  The quilts were great and the group kept growing…..  Everyone enjoyed it and so we now begin the fourth PMS program.  It was designed for us by Susan Shaffer on E-Q 6 and is called “Home and Hearth” with a sewing and South Florida flair.  Each month the group will meet on the second Saturday at 10 AM or on the following Wednesday morning at 9 AM for our session.  There you will receive your free block pattern  and we will discuss its construction, value, color etc.  You are still able to use your stash but we ask that if you purchase any fabric, it be purchased at the Patch.   Here is a picture of the quilt…..DSCN0671This quilt’s only limitation is your creativity.  There are so many different ways to complete it.  We are sending out the sign-up sheet in our weekly newsletter, so if you aren’t getting our email, send us one at info@jampatch.com and we will send it to you. 

Here are a few of our favorite close-ups.  The Halloween cup is for Margy and I who adore Halloween and even more we LOVE candy corns.  So she did this one for us…..DSCN0666     

See, there are even candy corn buttons from JABC on the saucer to really make it us.  A lot of the blocks are paper pieced so we will be having paper piece demos to help you with that. 


We have Herons and fish and birds, oh my.  There are easy blocks and harder blocks but an Advance Beginner can easily do this quilt.  There are Bonus blocks and the center is in a medallion style with a home and log cabins.  Here is one of Margy’s interpretations….DSCN0663  The log cabin blocks at the top are our sunshine and sky and the the lower ones are surf and sand.  The house is Margy’s green with a tin roof.  The palm trees are her design which I bet she will share. This pattern will be available for sale separately for anyone who chooses to own it.  This makes for an easy and quick house-warming gift and since house sales are up…guess we better get busy.  DSCN0669 Here are the first block designs; the star is the FREE pattern and the sunrise is the BONUS.
